Connect entity

This component allows you to connect an entity by a using a unique identifier, such as from a URL. It can be used in conjunction with SelectField, as SelectField does not have the capability to select default values.


During the static render, the component retrieves the entity you wish to connect. Subsequently, in the useEffect, the said entity gets linked to the specified field.
export interface ConnectEntityProps {
entity: string
where: SugaredUniqueWhere | undefined
field: string
children?: ReactNode
export const ConnectEntity = Component<ConnectEntityProps>(({ entity, where, field }) => {
const currentEntity = useEntity()
const getSubtree = useGetEntitySubTree()
useEffect(() => {
if (!where || currentEntity.getEntity(field).existsOnServer) {
const entityToConnect = getSubtree({
entity: {
entityName: entity,
if (entityToConnect) {
currentEntity.connectEntityAtField(field, entityToConnect)
}, [entity, field, currentEntity, where, getSubtree])
return null
}, ({ entity, where, children, field }) => {
if (!where) {
return null
return <>
<HasOne field={field} />
<EntitySubTree entity={{ entityName: entity, where }} children={children} />


The usage is straightforward. You simply need to specify the field where you want to connect the entity and provide the unique identifier of the entity.
<ConnectEntity field={'site'} entity={'Site'} where={'(code = $site)'} />